2022年09月26日 05:57:11 作者:Jiaozn 分类:工具 评论(0)Seddms文档管理系统是开源的
create database seeddms;
grant all on seedms.* to ‘seeddms‘@‘%‘ identified by ‘123123‘;
grant all on seedms.* to ‘seeddms‘@‘localhost‘ identified by ‘123123‘;
yum install -y sqlite sqlite-devel
yum install -y php-ZendFramework php-ZendFramework-Search-Lucene
<!-- rootDir: Path to where SeedDMS is located
- httpRoot: The relative path in the URL, after the domain part. Do not include the
- http:// prefix or the web host name. e.g. If the full URL is
- http://www.example.com/seeddms/, set $_httpRoot = "/seeddms/".
- If the URL is http://www.example.com/, set $_httpRoot = "/".
- contentDir: Where the uploaded files are stored (best to choose a directory that
- is not accessible through your web-server)
- stagingDir: Where partial file uploads are saved
- luceneDir: Where the lucene fulltext index i? saved
- logFileEnable: set false to disable log system
- logFileRotation: the log file rotation (h=hourly, d=daily, m=monthly)
- enableLargeFileUpload: support for jumploader
- partitionsize: size of chunk uploaded by jumploader
- dropFolderDir: where files for document upload are located
- cacheDir: where the preview images are saved
rootDir="/var/www/html/seeddms/" httpRoot="/seeddms/" contentDir="/var/www/html/seeddms/data/" stagingDir="/var/wwww/html/seeddms/data/staging/" luceneDir="/var/www/html/seeddms/data/lucene/" logFileEnable="true" logFileRotation="d" enableLargeFileUpload="true" partitionSize="2000000" cacheDir="/var/www/html/seeddms/data/cache/" dropFolderDir="/var/www/html/seeddms/data/upload/">
<!-- coreDir: Path to SeedDMS_Core (optional)
- luceneClassDir: Path to SeedDMS_Lucene (optional)
- contentOffsetDir: To work around limitations in the underlying file system, a new
- directory structure has been devised that exists within the content
- directory ($_contentDir). This requires a base directory from which
- to begin. Usually leave this to the default setting, 1048576, but can
- be any number or string that does not already exist within $_contentDir.
- maxDirID: Maximum number of sub-directories per parent directory. Default: 0, use 31998 (maximum number of dirs in ext3) for a multi level content directory.
- updateNotifyTime: users are notified about document-changes that took place within the last "updateNotifyTime" seconds
- extraPath: Path to addtional software. This is the directory containing additional software like the adodb directory, or the pear Log package. This path will be added to the php include path
<server coreDir="/var/www/html/seeddms/pear/SeedDMS/"
luceneClassDir="/var/www/html/seeddms/pear/SeedDMS/" contentOffsetDir="1048576" maxDirID="0" updateNotifyTime="86400"
extraPath="/var/www/html/seeddms/pear/" maxExecutionTime="30" cmdTimeout="1">
- dbDriver: DB-Driver used by adodb (see adodb-readme)
- dbHostname: DB-Server
- dbDatabase: database where the tables for seeddms are stored (optional - see adodb-readme)
- dbUser: username for database-access
- dbPass: password for database-access
<database dbDriver="sqlite" dbHostname="localhost" dbDatabase="/var/www/html/seeddms/data/content.db" dbUser="seeddms" dbPass="seeddms" doNotCheckVersion="false">
<database dbDriver="mysql" dbHostname="localhost" dbDatabase="seeddms" dbUser="seeddms" dbPass="123123" doNotCheckVersion="false">
通过http://localhost/seeddms/install/install.php访问到安装界面了。在安装界面里勾上create_table 创建